Adelante knocks it out of the park! We are excited to announce that Adelante has won the Red Dot Design Award and the iF Design Award! Every year, these labels are awarded to the year’s best products. Whether aesthetically appealing, functional, smart or innovative, what the award-winning objects have in common is their outstanding design quality.
Adelante won over the jury, made up of independent experts from all over the world, with its refined aesthetics and intuitive smart home technology. We couldn't be more proud!

At home, everything starts at your doorstep. That is why we now bring our sophisticated design from inside your home to your front door.
Imagine. The sun is going down, a loved one is on her way... Your chance to make that first impression. To feel good, to feel safe, to be yourself. Get ready to impress and open the doors to your heart and your home. Adelante, saying welcome has never been that refined and intense!
About the Red Dot Design Award
The Red Dot Label has become established internationally as one of the most sought-after marks of quality for good design. In order to appraise the diversity in this field in a professional manner, the Red Dot Design Award breaks down into three disciplines: product design, brands & communication design and design concept. Adelante is a winning product in the category 'product design'.
About the iF Design Award
Since 1954, the iF Design Award has been recognized as an arbiter of quality for excellent design. The iF Design brand is renowned worldwide for outstanding design services and is one of the most important design prizes in the world. It honors design achievements in all disciplines: product, packaging, communication and service design, architecture and interior architecture as well as professional concept, user experience (UX) and user interface (UI). Adelante is a winner in the category 'product'.